
AYF Camp Haiastan Staff Opportunity Spotlight 2

FRANKLIN, Mass. — AYF Camp Haiastan is now recruiting and hiring for the following key positions. Apply now or contact Kenar Charchaflian (execdirector@camphaiastan.org) for more information.

Aquatics Director
The aquatics director will oversee the instructional and recreational activities at the swimming pool and Uncas Pond Waterfront. The aquatics director will be responsible for the safety and maintenance of the pool and waterfront areas. In this position, you will supervise and work directly with the lifeguards, directing them, ensuring their safety, as well the safety of staff and campers.

Head Counselor
The head counselor is a leadership position that will work closely with the summer director while being responsible for executing summer programming plans. This includes managing the schedules of counselors and staff and assisting in setting up camp activities.

This article was original published on The Armenian Weekly.


Help us continue our mission of promoting the preservation of Armenian culture through education, fellowship, and traditional camping that is affordable to all families.