Kenar Charchaflian with the badanis of the Toronto community
Camp on the Road

AYF Camp Haiastan travels to Canada

Kenar Charchaflian with the badanis of the Toronto community

TORONTO and MONTREAL, Canada — AYF Camp Haiastan spent quality time with the Armenian communities of Toronto and Montreal this past weekend, hosting informational meetings for AYF juniors and their families.

Executive Director Kenar Charchaflian addressed over 40 of the “Krisdapor Mikaelian” and “Rosdom” Toronto AYF juniors on Friday. The presentation was held in the library of the Armenian Community Center of Toronto. The audience was also filled with eager parents, who will hopefully send their children to camp this summer.

Kenar Charchaflian presenting at the Armenian Community Centre in Toronto, March 24

On Saturday, Charchaflian addressed the Montreal “Tro” and Laval “Kedashen” Junior Chapters. AYF members asked questions and participated in the discussion during which they received some free camp merchandise. Afterwards, a parent-specific Q&A session was held, which covered more of the logistics and safety protocols.

Kenar Charchaflian presenting at Sourp Hagop Armenian School, Montreal, March 25

“I want to thank the ARF Central Committees of the Eastern Region and Canada for helping to coordinate these events,” said Charchaflian. “It has been quite some time since Camp Haiastan has shown a presence in these communities, and I consider this past weekend the first stepping stone in strengthening our relations with the Canada-hye communities.”

During this off-season tour, AYF Camp Haiastan also visited Chicago and Detroit. More community visits will be announced soon.

This article was original published on The Armenian Weekly.


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